First Timothy 6:3-19
A question my wife, Vicki has asked me to consider more than once, is “Why does ‘secular’ music often sound better than ‘Contemporary Christian’ music?”.
Vicki says she feels “secular music has a technical edge”.
My wife has a well trained ear for good, and better than good music. She ought to. She has a degree in music education. I guess that is why I have no idea what she is talking about when she describes the differences in what she hears in secular music vs. Contemporary Christian music. I just don’t have the language or the notion that goes with the language to identify what she says is lacking. (This is a good analogy of what it takes to pull certain messages out of ambiguous Bible passages). However, I do remember when I first began listening to Contemporary Christian music in the early 90’s. I felt it was pretty lame and was not proud to share it with my friends.
Good Christian music is out there. A lot of music Vicki and I have on c.d. is not played on the radio.
Anyway, in response to Vicki’s question, I would say ‘Secular musicians do what they do for money. Christian musicians do what they do for ministry’. They don’t make a lot of money. So, they do not invest a lot of money into their music projects.
A perfect segue into First Timothy 6:3-19
, if I must say so. I read the 1st Timothy passage two days ago and did not know what to do with it until now.
Would someone pat me on the back for this insight when I am finished with this blog entry? Sheesh! I really should be more modest. I just can't believe I found my intended devotional reading some compatible object lesson.
Above, you see there are secular musicians and Contemporary Christian musicians. In some secular, mainstream bands, you will find there are Christians. This is the analogy I was looking for. Why do Christians not minister through music but instead, choose to make a career out of music? Maybe, it is because they do not know how to be content with little.
In verse 6:5, Paul says, “…who have been robbed of the truth and think Godliness is a means to financial gain”. Paul may have been referring to II Corinthians 11:7 when it was customary to pay a prophet or minister for his “performance”. The people thought since Paul would not accept payment, he was peddling something of no value.
Paul may have considered it robbery to accept financial gifts for supplying the Gospel when there was not a need for financial support. (Now here is a very appropriate place to say, It is entirely up to the minister himself for what he/she feels is too much of a burden when considering raising families, paying bills and pastoring a congregation.).
Some ministers preach the Old Testament law under which a Levite received no inheritance in the land of Canaan because God was their inheritance. And God would order the people to bring food and money to the Levites for their services as a ‘Spiritual Father’. Other ministers, such as one Wesleyan minister I know has a job and a contracting company that would provide an income. He would view receiving funds from the church as ‘robbery’.
Paul says, ‘just don’t use the gospel to get rich’.
He has said, "I know what it is to be content in plenty or in want.".
The passage is about contentment. God wants us to be content. Money corrupts and causes greed. Greed, essentially is coveting. So, what we may covet may become a god. It may end up that we only want, or want “things” more than God.
Simple Faith
1 day ago
Thanks for letting me know you had a new post up, Jim! I like to visit my Blogroll partners at least daily to see if they're added something new...and by the way - my daughter will not see the Santa as she does not visit my blog (I've never given her the address because it's not something she's "into").
Now...about CC music vs secular music! Well, as you know from my blog, I LOVE music. Always have, always will. It absolutely touches my soul. And just as some can look at a beautiful work of art and cry, I weep listening to beautiful, meaningful music.
I listen to Contemporary Christian (CC) music exclusively. K-LOVE, CDs or the Spirit channel on Sirius in the house and car. And I know the Lord speaks to me, ministers to me through the words.
I never felt that way when I listened to secular music. EVER.
My healing plays a huge role. I turn on the radio or pop in a CD and before I know it, I'm praising my Savior with all that I am. Awesome! He is worthy of all praise!!
And I agree with your post (good on ya!) that CC musicians CHOOSE to praise and worship via their artform. Many of them have said that very thing when interviewed.
I bow to Vicki's knowledge with regards to music! So let me just borrow and alter a well known quote..."I don't know music, but I know what I like!!"
Good heavens I was "wordy" tonight! Sorry!
Hi Gigi,
I know exactly what you are saying when you say you find healing in music. I go to a special place to when I hear good music.
When I come in the house from work, I like to sit at the piano and just play random chords and arpeggios. I can almost put myself to sleep.
I sing in the shower. And you know what? I also sing to lift my spirits.
You did use a lot of words tonight! Good for you!
I'm not sure how much money plays into it, but I think the talent pool among secular musicians is much larger than for Christian. That said, I think there are some truly excellent Christian bands/singers/composers out there. Some of my favorites are Michael W. Smith, Newsboys, David Meece, Jonah33, dcTalk (Michael Tate, Toby Mac), and Barlow Girl.
I have not heard of Jonah33. I'll have to check that out.
Also, Michael W. Smithe is an amazing composer, producer!
When I was referencing money going into production. I mean that more time is spent on producing which amounts to more of the behind the scene guys and session players time being compensated. More time + more resources; usually = a better product.
I trust you two had a good time with the family on Thursday.
Hi Jim,
Good and interesting post! I have to agree with Gigi. Ever since I started listening to Contemporary Christian music, it is difficult for me to "go back" to the secular music stations. There are lots of reasons for this. However, the fact that most Contemporary Christian music doubles as worship music increases my desire to listen.
I do like to listen to K-Earth (oldies station) because most of the songs remind me of when I was growing up. But a lot of the contemporary secular music stations often play songs that turn me off - so I don't listen.
I enjoy lots of contemporary Christian music groups and artists - Casting Crowns, The Newsboys, Mercy Me, Toby Mac, Natalie Grant (saw in concert), Michael W. Smith, Third Day (saw in concert - awesome!), Brandon Heath, Jeremy Camp, Downhere, Jars of Clay (saw in concert) and all the WOW CD's.
Here's an interesting story. My son (age 24) bought me (as a gift) the one and only worship CD from a group called "Kutless." I love every single song! However, when we attended a Christian festival where the group performed, they played a lot of their new "secular" songs that were coming out on a CD. We didn't like any of them! I looked around the stadium at other Christians there, and many of them didn't appear to be enjoying the "new" songs either. We all stood up and sang the worship songs along with the group, but only the younger crowd right in front of the stage seemed excited about the "new" secular songs. For me, it was a disappointment.
I can see a Christian band having cross-over songs - occasionally. But when they attempt to cross over completely - such groups lose a lot (IMHO) - especially their formerly loyal Christian fans.
Hey Christine,
Thanks for visiting my blog. A lighter pace than what we've been going at, huh?
'Down Here'. This is a group I'm not familiar with. Thanks for letting me know about them. I like the others you mentioned, so, I'll be sure to check out 'Downhere', as well.
To be perfectly honest with you. I have always felt there was something wrong with 'Kutless' just by the choice of name for their band. I have not really ever listened to them. But, my friend, who is the program director for affiliate of American Family Radio, WRIH here in Richmond, Virginia plays their music a lot.
I've been talking a lot about Talk Wisdom and Christine to the people in this network. I'm glad you stopped by and will be seen by these good people.
Gigi is a wonderful person with a lot of courage. She has been showing us all how to put one foot infront of the other and keep on keeping on til the Lord receives us to bode with him.
I'll be talking to you at talk wisdom,
The following are two Youtube videos of DownHere
1. A Better Way (uses footage from "The Passion of the Christ")
2. Here I Am
Now that you said it, I agree that the name "Kutless" doesn't sound like a very good choice for a Christian music oriented band. How very observant of you to notice that!
The worship album (by them) is excellent, however. At least they created one good Christian CD worth listening to!
Thanks for your kind words about my blog! I appreciate it!
God bless,
I love all kinds of music. I really enjoy records that have many good cuts on them and not just one or two. Right now, I am enjoying Nat King Cole! I also really enjoy Kutless, especially their song Arms of Love. I seem to listen to the group Ever Stays Red and Shawn McDonald quite a bit.
Thanks for the Thanksgiving well wishes. We have enjoyed spending the week with friends and family. I pray that you and your family also had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I personally prefer, within my tastes obviously, quite creative music, often on the technical side. Lyrics are a secondary issue to me, and I think it is debatable on how much influence good or bad lyrics have on persons with a set worldview. I do not doubt that lyrics can at times influence some persons that are less philosophically astute and more easily conditioned, and this would include some young people.
My problem, as far a taste, with much of Christian music, not all, is that it is more worship than performance orientated, and so it does not personally impact me often, even if I am in theological agreement with the lyrics.
Thanks Ceryl,
When are you going to do a new post? Sheesh, I'm a pest!
I see a few comments on Kutless. Usually, I let my friend from American Family Radio introduce me to the new stuff that is out. Kutless has been around for five or six years. But, I just have not been wooed by them.
Thanks for the well wishes from you, also. Merry Christmas!
Hi Russ,
I know your taste in music is technical. Rush has a very orchestrated sound. I mention them because I understand you enjoy listening to Rush. I don't like the high pitched yelling and singing. But, their music is very good.
Often, I do sit an listen to just instrumental music. Michael W. Smith has some very interesting instrumental with vocal effects compositions. So, he still remains my favorite composer, singer, songwriter and producer.
What I am finding interesting, is I thought you would give me some feed back on my interpretation of Paul's not accepting payment for dispensing the Gospel. Maybe I wrote it in such a way that it is really cut and dry. I think it is up to the minister.
I tend to lean with your wife's views. I listen to both 'christian' and 'secular'. However, I would say that many secular musicians got their start in christian music. I would also say that there are some, being Christians themselves, who are mainstream secular musicians. I feel that there are those in the 'christian' music world who are hungry for money and fame just as in the secular world.
One can't make such a general statement. We don't know the motivations of the hearts, but we do hear the messages in both sectors. I would say that as Christians, musicians had better make the best music possible (secular or cc) because they are representing their Savior.
Just my thoughts
I like the odd Christian song musically, but besides Rush (mainly 74-82), I like Mahavishnu Orchestra, Allan Holdsworth, later Beatles, and some classical. Basically I like progressive rock, jazz fusion, art rock and classical.
I agree we need to be content with what we have. Heard a good sermon lately about worldliness. Anything that subsitutes for God is worldliness. I ask myself on a regular basis am I content where God has put me and what I am doing.
Hi Scott,
Thanks. I understand you when you say that secular and Contemporary Christian music is representing our savior.
One person from my past once said, "Christians should get their own music". To which I said, "Where do the sounds your music uses come from?" He understood that and could only be frustrated with not being able to answer. So, yes, the music we make does speak of the Lord. Some better than others.
Hi Russ,
You are a much more cultured man than I. My wife is a music major and I can not get into the car until she turns the classical stuff off. I am sorry. I just need to hear the stuff that helps me to feel positive. And, that of course would come from my exposure to it.
So, what I guess I need to do is take out the Mozart C.D. she gave me and begin to listen. Maybe I'll get some of what you have in doing that.
Hi Dearest,
I thought I would wait to post anything about my thoughts on secular vs contmeporary music. Before saying anything about that, let me say that the idea of being content with what we have is centrally important to the Christian walk. When our primary motivation for music or for anything is greed, it is wrong. Motivation of the musicians sometimes is very obscure, even with spirit filled song.
Now about music: First when we listen to Christian music, we want a a message of praise and of hope. The tambre should promote our hearts toward God. There is a wide range of contemporary Christian music, and I doubt that most of us would indescriminately like all of it. Some of it is incorrect in theology. This should bother us and we should avoid spending time singing along.
Secular music is good as long as we can praise the Lord and be pure of heart.
I find classical styles of music to be "home" with great potential for praise and worship.
As a music teacher, I would encourage each of us to go outside our envelope of comfort. Liking particular styles of music just means that we are accustomed to these styles. It is good to broaden our musical horizons, as long as we stay inside God's magnificent kingdom.
I can truly say that I like all forms of music, but probably more picky about individual pieces.
Blessings and Love,
Hi Jody,
You know what? You are the only reader to this point to actually comment on what I really wanted to blog about. It is my fault, because I dabbled around for too long discussing music. But, that was only a segue to 1st Timothy 6:3-19.
What I was attempting to show in using 'secular' vs. 'contemporary Christian' genres of music, is the contrast between the motives for doing what they do. I guess that did not come across very well. However, Christian musicians do what they do for very little because it is for ministry and they have learned to be content.
Now, a point that I just picked up on from Scott's comment is that there are Christians who play in mainstream secular music. I know this to be true because I know someone (very well) who played with a band whose music can be found in stores. He quit the band after their music arrived on the shelves in the music stores. I don't know why. But, in listening to him talk lately, I am guessing that Christ and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is more important to him. So, I would say, that as a generalization, we can not label a Christian who plays in a secular band as someone who is discontented with the potential to make a living as Christian artist.
Back to Paul. Paul was content to not receive money for what he preached on occassion. Today, my secular friends will actually say, "You ought to become a preacher. They make a lot of money!". And then I say, "That is not why I would be doing that".
So, thank you Jody for being the first to comment with some understanding of what I wrote.
Not that there is anything wrong with anyone else. I guess I just need to do a better job in my writing. I did use the word "seque", though.
Hi hun,
I see you slipped in a comment while I was replying to Jody. Thanks.
I can see that you also understood the part about being content. However, we also agree when I said to Russ, I need to spend time away from what I am used to and listen to Mozart. You said we should expand on our various options for music and not only listen to what we are accustom to.
Interesting that you and Scott also see the ability to give God praise in secular music. I understand this from a creative sense. It is God who gives the ability to perform.
Love, Jim
Hello Jim,
Thanks for letting me know about your new post. I have not been on the computer much, been working alot. I am off tomorrow so hopefully I can catch up on reading some blogs as well as writing another post myself.
Paul was a tent maker, so i would have to say most of his money came through making tents. He never burdened the church when it came to money and his needs, but when the church did give to him he was very thankful for their support and made sure to let them know how thankful he was.
My own personal opinion is that if a person is going to be a minister he should allow Paul to be his example and consider keeping a job outside of ministering.
When it comes to music i listen to the words and the anointing behind the words and the music. If it is a song inspired by the Spirit of God it is going to be more beautiful than any other. In my opinion, no matter how much more talented a certain musician might be if it isn't inspired by the Spirit of God it's not going to sound good to me.
And Michael W. Smith is also one of my favorites. His Song "Grace" on his c.d titled "Stand" is still one of my favorite songs by him.
Blessings to you and Vicki, Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving. T :)
Jim, this post made me think and smile. We earn our monthly paycheck in ministry - it is certainly because of the calling and not because of the big salary, benefits and stock options :-)!!! But it is a life that is rich in the ways that count - to us anyway.
Now to Paul --- I always think when Paul is talking like this he is often trying to communicate that his ministry and his contentment is completely non-dependent on his financial position. He knows how to live with plenty and with little, and neither matter when compared with the weight of the gospel. I also think he was seperating himself from the preachers, teachers and philosophers of the time who were more concerned about gathering a following of believers to support them than the message.
And music - of my favorite topics. I think the observation about quality of music in secular vs. cc was accurate in years past but that is changing dramatically. As lyricists & musicians I think Derek Webb, Matt Redmon, Aaron Schust, Bebo Norman, Brandon Heath, Mat Kearney, MercyMe and Chris Tomlin are great. They in many ways are the post-modern theologians reflecting our times and often charting them. I used to be a fan of Mark Hall's from Casting Crowns, but feel "preached at" more times than not in their recent work. Of course I love Leeland, Stellar Kart, Swithfoot, Toby Mac, Jeremy Camp and so many others.
One of my friends (still not a Christian) tells me I ought to be a minister. His reason, "You can make a lot of money at it!". And so, I think, he much more enjoys my discussion of the Gospel. He may find it entertaining, even. So, I could probably start charging him every time I find he is more than interested in listening to what I have to say.
Now, you! Your Church has share holders?!
Just kidding. as you were.
Thank you for being gracious in your comments. I realize I only slightly pointed to Paul working as a minister and knowing how to be content in plenty or in want.
You have understood that I was speaking in reference to what people are motivated by when they are in ministry. I am very much aware of the corruption among some preachers. So, those are obviously the preachers who are like the secular musicians. Or, as Scott said, the musicians who are very much following the Lord as Christians but have a lust for money.
Any way, It is getting late and I have a few numb brain cells attempting to completely shut down.
Hi T.
Yes, the ability to be content in all things is certainly a high calling to the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Speaking from a Steven Curtis Chapman song, "Nobody stood and applauded them. So they knew from the start, this road would not lead to fame. But, once they hear the savior's call, they'll follow where ever He leads, because of the love He has shown. Because He has called us to go. We will answer, We will abandon it all, for the sake of the call".
Scott Packet made a great connection for me when he pointed out that there are secular musicians in mainstream secular music who are Christians. This is my point. Why are they there and not ministering for the Lord. Because, they do not answer for the sake of the call. They play where the money is better and then maybe take the opportunity to be ministers of the Gospel, later.
I can only say this as a generic statement. Ofcourse, the Lord needs people everywhere to be His witness. So, there are, more than likely musicians who whole heartedly jump to the opportunity to be evangelist.
Did you know that Bono (From U-2) became a Christian and that he places scripture on overhead screens at his concerts? I don't know how often he does this. However, I saw footage of this. And, Bono was a keynote speaker at this National Day of Prayer meeting held in D.C. every year. I want to say it is some how associated with Congress. I can't remember for sure, though.
Jim, I just remembered... One of my favorite quotes is by Johann Sebastian Bach. Paraphrased, he wrote that the purpose of music is to glorify God. If it fails to do that, he continues, then "it is nothing but a diabolical bawling and twanging." You'd almost think he foresaw 21st century music! LOL!
This has been a good discussion on how we Glorify God and what our motives are for ministry.
In all of the post from the readers here, I truly believe our hearts know contentment in dispensing the Gospel. Whether in music or through words.
That last line reminds me of a saying a preacher used to say; "Some are made to sing. Others are made to sting!".
Interesting discussion! Before I say a couple things, I need to mention that I'm surprised no one has included Audio Adrenaline, my favorite Christian group, in their lists of musicians. IMHO, Audio Adrenaline "told it like it was," and they certainly placed Christ at the center of their message. But they were definitely in the hard rock category, not light fluffy stuff.
All that being said ... the discussion on secular versus Christian musicians could be made of other vocations as well. I'm a software engineer by trade and I work for a secular company. Should I quit my job and try to find a church that will hire a software engineer? Frankly, there's not a big market for church programmers. This is (sort of) an extreme example (maybe), but I'm trying to make a point.
In some sense, many of us hold jobs in the secular world so that we can support our families, etc., without focusing on gathering as much wealth as we can. That can be true, whether we're engineers, doctors, lawyers, police officers, professional athletes, or whatever. I know several doctors who are NOT out to make a financial killing ... they're trying to serve with their God given abilities.
I think the difference is whether we are "working to live" or "living to work." And I think the same can apply to musicians. A musician who belongs to a secular group doesn't necessarily have to "sell his soul" to the Almighty Dollar; he doesn't have to be focusing on getting rich. He may very well be focusing on supporting himself and/or a family.
What's in the heart? Of course, only God knows that.
I do know that we are called to work hard at our jobs, doing what we do as though we're doing it for the Lord (because really we are). I'll bet you that Paul was an excellent tent maker.
Maybe I'm straying too far from the point ... I don't like light fluffy music. Never have, never will (probably). :-)
Give me fire, give me boldness, give me edge ... Bach, Beethoven, Audio Adrenaline, or a good Sousa march (with lots of tuba!).
Cheers all,
Joel (nutuba)
Hey, Jim! I see you put a couple Jonah33 songs on your blog music player. :) I have both of their CDs (I think there are only 2 so far), and I enjoy all the songs thoroughly. I think the lead singer is one of the top-five Christian lyricists today.
Usually a song's tune will be the first thing I notice, but oftentimes it's good lyrics that will make it one of my favorites.
I also like Fireflight (you gotta love Unbreakable) and Skillet. Skillet has a lot of secular songs, but they can be easily mapped to Christian ideas.
Hi Sweetheart,
I love the discussion herein. Music is a tremendous gift from God. What truly amazes me is that so much of the music that has stood the test of time was given to unrepentant siiners. This is true in many other fields too. What do you all (southern) think?
Before I leave, I want to say that being content where we are, not seeking riches of this world, are important inside God's Kingdom. This does not mean that you shouldn't save and plan for a potential future here. However, God's Kingdom is centrally located in our thoughts and in our motives.
Hi Christine,
Thanks for visiting Journaling For Growth. I read this in my email a few days ago and I just now realized I had replied to this visit as an email.
So, yes, 'Kutless' is not a good name for a Contemporary Christian group because it simply sounds proud and maybe kind of violent. However, I do like the name Joel mentioned; "Audio Adrenaline". In fact, that has to rate very high on all time greatest names for a 'rock' band!
I do know that we are called to work hard at our jobs, doing what we do as though we're doing it for the Lord (because really we are). I'll bet you that Paul was an excellent tent maker.
Yes, I know this very well. Currently, I am working for a family owned plumbing franchise. They are great people. I give them a hard days work and they say good job and don't mind paying me for it. I've worked for companies that don't say "good job", never say anything that favors the quality and conscientious effort. But, if there is a mistake, you better be ready to hold your chin up because they will try you and doc pay.
Yes, I know that you are correct in assessing Paul's ability to make tents. Everything we know well of Paul says, he would not have said "in everything you do, do it for the Lord" if he had not already been doing this himself.
Maybe I'm straying too far from the point ... I don't like light fluffy music. Never have, never will (probably). :-)
Give me fire, give me boldness, give me edge ... Bach, Beethoven, Audio Adrenaline, or a good Sousa march (with lots of tuba!).
Hey Tuba Playa, that must be some fiery stuff your blowin. No fluff in your base.
I used to play Trombone. People could not understand why I thought my stuff rocked. I used to try stunts, like, 'cat groweling' in my throat while holding embouchure
and pulling the slide up. Or, on a trigger trombone, slide down why fanning the trigger.
You can do the growling in your tuba while in embouchure. It may sound cool with valves. Let me know how it works if you try it.
I do like some fluffy stuff. Depends on my mood. I just added some new stuff by recommendation from Greag and Christine to my player on my blog.
Thanks for your comments,
Hi hun,
Yeah, this is an interesting discussion. What is interesting is from one comment to the other, there are different perspective being commented on from different parts of the post.
Hey, you're right about how it (what music you like at a given time) depends on the mood ... I do like jazz (Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker) and progressive stuff (Weather Report) ... and there's NOTHING light and fluffy about Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" or his 3 piano preludes ... I love that stuff.
I've tried playing tuba and humming at the same time ... it produces interesting sounds, most often compared to a sick cow out in a distant field somewhere. That's music with an edge, but perhaps not the right kind of edge. :-)
Joel. This has been some good descussion.
I have not has much time to visit blogs. Working a lot and now have stuff to do around the house before my Grandmother and mom come to town.
hello Jim,
i didn't know that about Bono, very interesting!
T :)
Thanks T.
I just got in from work at 9:20pm. Another fourteen hour day this week.
When I opened my email, you had not yet posted anything. I read Gregs comment about the Obama lawsuit thing and then, there you were. So, I am taking a few minutues to say hi.
Hi Jim, interesting blog. I am a musician and singer myself. I have a lot of frustration about what is on the typical Christian radio station also. Most of my favorite Christian music is not on the radio either. I have a sampling of some on my blog, But also I really like some Christian Rock bands like, Since October, and Skillet, Thousand-foot Krutch and P.O.D.(not to be confused with Pod), OneEyeCry and Red,Pillar, Encomium, and Stellar Kart. Some softer sounding groups that are really excellent are Barlowgirl, Vicki Beechum, and Kelanie Gloekkler and the amazing Misty Edwards.
My personal opinion is that Christians tend to be kind and allow anyone with a voice to sing, and often promote anyone that they feel enthusiastic about or can write good songs. I just saw a lovely lady promoted on a site as a good singer who was really an inspired songwriter with only a mediocre voice.
Christians tend to overlook details like that, which works on Sunday, but does not play well on the radio. There are really an amazing amount of excellent singers out there and good musicians, but the ones who get noticed are often the good accompanists who can sing a bit. Perhaps it is our independence that will not allow us as Americans to admit that we can sing well but not play the piano or guitar that great, or the reverse, that we can play well but need a good singer to shine, or if we find an accompanist they feel they don't need the good singer, Because they can sing themselves, sigh...
The type of Christian music played on the radio seems to have an unusual amount of computerized accompainiment tracks rather than good musicains especialy they seem to use "canned" drums. They also overdo the formality of the music, that may not be the right word, but they lack a raw sound that is common in secular music that adds a genuininess to it somehow. I am struggling for the right words here. Indie Christian groups are much better IMHO.
Peace to all. Your sister in Christ, Sparks
Make me spark (MMS),
Thanks for visiting. It is not often I find that someone has visited on an older post.
I left a note on your blog this morning and will return this evening to check out some of the music on your blog.
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